A short walk from the restaurant is the Polytechnique Memorial, and as one of the topics at lunch was the challenges faced by women in engineering and entrepreneurship, we decided it would be worthwhile and respectful to visit as this week will mark the 30th anniversary of the Montréal Massacre.
Bordering the park (on the left in the photo) is the office where I spent five years at the first startup I worked at in Montreal: Purelink Technologies. I started there when I was Camille's age. The walk gave me the occasion to share with my colleagues all the haunts and stories from that era.
If I'm to sum this up in the context of Startical, there is much to be learned from the past, both good and bad. As much as entrepreneurship encourages looking forward, it is healthy to pause from time to time and look back.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." — George Santayana