Worked on two creative projects today, both in line with the needs of the startup, and feel great about it.
First, my colleague Camille and I discussed how she can evolve our monthly newsletter to maximise reach and impact, and to have fun creating each one. Together we came up with some great ideas about starting with an iconic image/photo for readers to look forward to, and to compile the spoken version of the newsletter into a video with watch-worthy visuals.
Second, I spent part of my evening writing an "Owl-iday Special" which is an annual tradition we started in 2017. I managed to bang out nearly twenty verses of prose in rhyming Christmas classic fashion. A combo of nerdiness, philosophy and tech trends with a humanistic touch. What a delight!
I recognise that the ability to mix creativity with work so fluidly is something I cherish. I don't think most workplaces, startup or otherwise, would value and encourage this as highly as I do. This aspect of my startup life is very positive and healthy.